MWF Program
AM program
3x/week – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
9:00 – 11:30am
Maximum 18 children –
Cost $75/month (regular is $150 but due to Affordability Grant it has been reduced by $75/month)
Daily Activities
Centre Time Children move freely from centre to centre, selecting activities of interest.
Clean-up Time Adults and children work together to put centres back in order.
Group Time Action songs, finger plays, poems, theme-related instruction and discussions. Leader’s show and tell.
Snack Time Brought by each child from home.
Gym Time Large muscle activities and games in the gym.
Story Time Theme-related stories/Cool down time.
Themes: We cover various themes throughout the year. A few examples are: Fire Safety, Pioneers, Ocean, Under our Skin, Insects.
Field trips: We take the children on several field trips throughout the year for which parent drivers are needed.